Featured Story

Our Featured Story archive is a collection of the Featured Story’s which have been published in our magazine and taken pride of place as the ‘unique feature article’ on our Stainless Steel World Americas home page. In addition to industry updates, market news and topical issues of the day the Feature Story provides an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, reports from major end users and features projects in a variety of industries ranging from oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical to the architecture, power generation, medical and food and beverage industries.

Creating a Career in Corrosion: Yushu Wang’s Advice for Corrosion Engineers

When dealing with corrosion it is important to remember that there is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution.

An Introduction to Valve Body Material Selection

This article is intended to provide useful information for users such as valve design engineers, valve procurement engineers, and pipeline system design engineers, who are dealing with valve material selection in their daily work.

Q & A with Rajan Bhambroo, Materials Engineer, Tenneco: The Role of Material Characterization...

Rajan Bhambroo received his Bachelor’s Degree in Metallurgical Engineering from PEC University of Technology, followed by a Master of Technology (M.Tech.) Degree in Corrosion Science Engineering from The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. After working for a chemical company in Japan, he came to the U.S. and obtained another Masters Degree in Materials Science and Engineering from The University of Michigan Ann Arbor.

Heat Exchanger World Americas, Last Days to Register!

Heat Exchanger World Americas less than one month away! The largest North American heat transfer event will be taking place on November 16th & 17th at the Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena Tx.

Molybdenum and Pitting Resistance: An Essential Stainless Steel Alloy

In order for steel to be considered stainless, the chromium content must be at least 10.5%, and it is chromium which forms the essential self-healing passive outer oxide layer which is resistant to harsh corrosive environments from seawater to acids, and across a wide range of temperatures.

Nippon Yakin Kogyo: Specialists in High-Performance Alloys

Nippon Yakin has been providing the industry with stainless steel since 1935, currently pursuing its goal to be a top global supplier of high-performance materials, producing stainless steel, and high-performance alloys. The company has been strategically organizing efforts to grow, specifically strengthening its quality, cost, and delivery. Utilizing both standard grade stainless steel, and high performance alloys, Nippon Yakin will continue to take initiative in its businesses, measure its performance, and highlight its ESG message.

Increasing Stainless Steel Investment for the Semiconductor Industry

Stainless steels have become indispensable in the semiconductor industry, because the special material properties of these alloys can be perfectly tailored to the requirements of semiconductor production. Therefore, highly corrosive gasses and liquids used in the manufacture of semi-conductors require tubing and other wetted 316L stainless steel components to be finished with the maximum degree of corrosion resistance.

Scott Hamilton: The Importance of Bolting Education

Bolts are, quite literally, everywhere in the industrial world. Understanding the common pain points in the industry and learning from other experts is essential to creating a successful bolting program. Scott Hamilton, Founder and CEO of Hex Technology, is a so-called recovering-bolting expert. He knows all about bolting procedures, best practices, and the much-needed bolting standards about to enter the industry.

Procurement at a Glance: An Interview With Victoria Armstrong, Project Controls Manager at Plug...

After many years of working on a new super-austenitic alloy, the time was right for its first commercial application. Confident collaboration between the material manufacturer, the fabricator, and the end user ensured a successful outcome. While it has always been considered a vital role, the responsibility of procuring industrial applications and materials has been especially important in today’s social climate. Acquiring stainless steel, in particular, has become significantly more difficult. Stainless Steel World Americas had the pleasure of talking to Victoria Armstrong, Project Control Manager at Plug Power, which was recently acquired by Joule, about what a position in the procurement entails, the challenges of acquiring stainless steel during a global pandemic, and why transitioning into the world of hydrogen liquefication will be important next steps for the industry.

Working Hand in Hand to Move Innovation Forward

After many years of working on a new super-austenitic alloy, the time was right for its first commercial application. Confident collaboration between the material manufacturer, the fabricator, and the end user ensured a successful outcome.