Featured Story

Our Featured Story archive is a collection of the Featured Story’s which have been published in our magazine and taken pride of place as the ‘unique feature article’ on our Stainless Steel World Americas home page. In addition to industry updates, market news and topical issues of the day the Feature Story provides an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, reports from major end users and features projects in a variety of industries ranging from oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical to the architecture, power generation, medical and food and beverage industries.

Ammonia Stainless Steel Game Plan: Considering the Factors

The market for stainless steel valves for ammonia applications is growing at double-digit rates due to some environmental drivers.

The One-Stop-Shop: Dunn Heat Exchangers’ Quality Services

Dunn Heat Exchangers is a family-owned company with over 50 years of experience.

Electrochemistry as Machining: PECM and its Applications

As a variety of products seek to utilize high-performance stainless steel grades with increased corrosion resistance, extreme temperature resis­tance, and durability in both critical and non-critical environments, it has become increasingly difficult for manufacturers to use conventional processes alone to efficiently produce unique stainless steel parts in high volumes.

Heat Exchanger Tubes in Super Austenitic Stainless Steels: A Choice Between Duplex Steels and...

This article elaborates the need to discuss super austenitic stainless steels as an alternative to options mentioned below.

API-Approved Friction Stud Welding for Bolted-On Retrofits and Repairs

Bolted-on repairs and retrofits are crucial to the operation and maintenance of above-ground storage tanks (ASTs).

Understanding the World of Corrosion: Interview with Thu Addis, Corrosion Engineer, bp

Have you ever wondered what happens when metal corrodes? How it gets fixed? Can it be fixed?

Power Plant Market: A Chess Game for Stainless Steel Suppliers

The power plant market is somewhat of a chess game for stainless steel suppliers.

High Performance Stainless Steels as Enablers of a More Sustainable Future

To talk about sustainability in the steel industry is not an easy task, as the perception of value can change quite a lot depending on which side of the supply chain one is on.

How the Stainless Steel Supply Chain will Continue to Change

The stainless steel industry has seen its ups and downs over the last few years and will continue to do so as conversation regarding the ever­changing U.S. policies effecting the production and manufacturing of steel, as well as that concerning the economic repercussions that accom­pany these new policies.

Tubacex Group: Tailor-Made Tubular Solutions

Tubacex is an integral supplier of tubular solutions, with an extremely broad product portfolio, and custom service offerings.