Featured Story

Our Featured Story archive is a collection of the Featured Story’s which have been published in our magazine and taken pride of place as the ‘unique feature article’ on our Stainless Steel World Americas home page. In addition to industry updates, market news and topical issues of the day the Feature Story provides an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, reports from major end users and features projects in a variety of industries ranging from oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical to the architecture, power generation, medical and food and beverage industries.

Stainless Steels in Hydrogen Transition of Gas Grid

Stainless steel is a key material in the energy industry, and its properties make it ideal for applications such as hydrogen transport. As govern-ments around the world set ambitious net-zero goals, the use of hydrogen as a clean fuel is becoming increasingly important to reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector. In fact, many countries have included hydrogen as a central element in their climate change strategies for transportation. For instance, the European Union aims to have 40GW of renewable hydrogen electrolyzers by 2030, and hydrogen is expected to play a major role in achieving its decarbonization goals. Governments are investing heavily in the development of hydrogen technologies for transportation, and significant progress has been made in recent years. Research groups like the Hydrogen Council and H2ME have conducted extensive trials to investigate the feasibility and benefits of using hydrogen as a fuel for transportation, and their findings have been encouraging. These developments present an opportunity for the stainless steel industry to play a key role in the energy transition by providing the materials needed for hydrogen transport infrastructure.

The Importance of Metal Hoses: An Interview with Joseph Levitsky, Product Manager at Echelon...

Metal hoses are a necessary solution in many industries, especially those that are subject to high-pressure & temperature applications or volatile media. To ensure the safety of the end user, knowledgeable specialists are crucial for ensuring the best asset for the process is chosen and recommending materials and fixtures that will make for the best product.

Maruichi Stainless Tube Co., Ltd.

Maruichi Stainless Tube is globally recognized for its manufacturing of high-quality seamless stainless pipes and tubes.

Bolt Selection and Coating Options

Selecting the right bolt is an important aspect of any bolted flange connection.

Enhanced Deep Drawing Performance of Ferritic Stainless Steel: A Cost-Effective and Sustainable Solution for...

As global powers lift the restrictions created by the COVID-19 pandemic in the last few years, the stainless-steel industry has begun to see a glimpse of hope for recovering its past production and consumption levels.

Taking a Niche-by-Niche Route

Why is cost data used as a guide and a reference whereas market data is used only as a reference?

Corrosion Protection of Process Vessels by Galvanic Anodes

This article is an effort to provide information about the types and structure of the process vessels used in petroleum industries.

Managing Maintenance at a Chemical Plant: An Interview with Charles Federle, Mechanical Maintenance Engineer,...

Chemical plants require crucial maintenance. Navigating repairs and scheduling turnarounds are only some of the critical aspects involved in the world of mechanical maintenance.

A Values-Based Leadership Approach

For those interested in entering the oil & gas industry, or those who are currently in it, it is helpful to note the core values of a plant.

Why Materials Science Training Matters to Oil & Gas Instrumentation Engineers

The stakes for leak-free operation in the offshore oil & gas market have never been higher.