Featured Story

Our Featured Story archive is a collection of the Featured Story’s which have been published in our magazine and taken pride of place as the ‘unique feature article’ on our Stainless Steel World Americas home page. In addition to industry updates, market news and topical issues of the day the Feature Story provides an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, reports from major end users and features projects in a variety of industries ranging from oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical to the architecture, power generation, medical and food and beverage industries.

How Stainless Steel Fabrication Works, And Why It Is Important

A stainless steel fabrication process involves manufacturing pre-fabricated parts and components from stainless steel material, that is raw or stock. The fabrication methods used in different industries vary. It is common practice to roll-form, spin, deep draw, forge, bend, and fold with powerful forces due to the material’s high strength and hardness.

Pitting Corrosion vs. Crevice Corrosion: Identifying and Preventing

Preventing pitting and crevice corrosion can save downtime and money. Identifying the type of corrosion affecting a system is the first step to eliminating it in the future.

Failure Analysis in Stainless Steel: Material Science, Ongoing Education, and Corrosion Prevention

Failure analysis is an essential tool for all industries. It is crucial to take the initiative to understand failure mechanisms in the workplace. Although senior personnel pass on information to juniors, there are frequent revisions to guidelines and improvements to processes which analysts can follow with ongoing education.

Webco Industries / PJ Tube: The Webco Way – Today’s Commitment for A Better...

Webco Industries is known for its promise of being a “Forever Company,” making decisions in the best interest of employees, clients, and supply chain partners.

Scott Hamilton: The Importance of Training Bolted Joint Best Practices

Scott Hamilton, Founder and CEO of Hex Technology, is a bolting expert. He knows all about bolting procedures, best practices, and the much-needed bolting standards about to enter the industry. Stainless Steel World Americas had the great privilege of speaking with Hamilton about his extensive career, and the future of bolting.

Acquisitions Shape the Stainless Market

An analysis of thousands of acquisitions over the last 30 years shows that the stainless steel market is built on the niche achievements of several small companies who were acquired by publicly traded companies or private equity firms. The many benefits of mergers have recently increased due to the advent of IIoT and remote O&M which allow suppliers to provide solutions and not just products.

Impact of Aging Plants on Stainless Steel Components

Why use stainless steel? Stainless steel is the ideal material choice for a wide range of plant applications due to its resistance to corrosive products such as acids, caustic solutions, oxidizers, and environmental corrosive elements such as salt laden air when found near the sea.

WP-324: Effective Gas Purging Needed To Avoid Porosity During Welding

The production of defect-free welds is crucial if high strength is mandatory. The presence of porosity in particular can lead to a significant reduction in mechanical properties.1

How A Proper Alloy Design Can Enhance The Weldability Of Ferritic Stainless Steel

The development of technology and societies have been walking side-by-side in the last century, with one being a strong enabler of the other.

Corrosion Modeling and Materials Integrity: An Interview with Ibrahim Gadala, NOVA Chemicals

Stainless Steel World Americas recently had the pleasure of speaking with Ibrahim Gadala, Research Engineer, Petrochemicals R&D, working at NOVA Chemicals.