Rudolph Libbe Group company Rudolph Libbe Inc., the construction manager for North Star BlueScope’s 660,000 square-foot expansion project in Fulton County, was announced as the winner of the 2022 Build Ohio Award in the Industrial/Heavy category by the Ohio Association of General Contractors. The annual award ceremony, held Friday, Nov. 11, in Columbus, recognized the best construction projects completed from Aug. 1, 2021, and July 31, 2022. NorthStar BlueScope is an Australia-based steelmaker with operations in Delta, Ohio.
The Build Ohio Award is the 10th for Rudolph Libbe Group since 1993. “We are honored to accept this award on behalf of our client, North Star BlueScope, which collaborated with our team so that this extensive project could be completed safely, on time and with no interruptions to ongoing operations,” said RLI President Jeff Schaller.
“Building a 660,000 square-foot facility while producing over 6,000 tons of steel per day in the middle of the COVID pandemic was indeed extraordinary,” said BlueScope North American Chief Executive Patrick Finan. “The size and complexity of the project was incredible and was accomplished while not losing a single scheduled production day. This award reflects the excellent teamwork between Rudolph Libbe and North Star BlueScope.”
Courtesy of Rudolph Libbe.