Niska Gas Storage Partners LLC has placed into service a 15-Bcf expansion at its Wild Goose natural gas storage facility in California. The company owns and operates three facilities: Wild Goose, the AECO Hub in Alberta and Salt Plains in Oklahoma. It also contracts gas storage capacity on the Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America LLC system.
Simon Dupéré, Niska president and CEO had this to say: “We continued to execute our operating and financial plan to position Niska for success in the current operating environment. During the fourth quarter ended March 31, 2012, we have placed in service an additional 15 Bcf of storage capacity at our Wild Goose facility in California. Capital expenditures in fiscal 2012 related to the addition of 17 Bcf at AECO and Wild Goose were USD 51 million. While this was well below guidance of USD 65-75 million, some construction work is expected at Wild Goose to fully commission injection/withdrawal enhancements and improve pipeline connections with [Pacific Gas and Electric Co.]. The carried forward capital expenditures related to this are expected to be $15 [million to] $20 million in fiscal 2013, placing total expansion costs in fiscal 2012 guidance range.”