Select-Arc Inc., headquartered in Ohio, US, has introduced a stainless steel, metal cored electrode designed for welding when elevated temperatures are involved. SelectAlloy 310G-C has a modified 310 chemistry with a nominal composition of 26% chromium, 21% nickel and 5% manganese. The addition of the manganese in this gas-shielded, metal cored, stainless steel electrode reduces the tendency for hot cracking of this highly austenitic alloy. SelectAlloy 310G-C provides a smooth, spray arc transfer with low spatter and little or no slag. This electrode is suitable for making small butt, lap and fillet welds on thin material. SelectAlloy 310G-C is utilized to weld 310 stainless steel, as well as 410 and 430 stainless steels when preheating or postweld heat treatments are not possible. This electrode, available in .045in and 1/16in diameters, is used when elevated temperatures are involved such as with equipment for heat treating, chemical and food processing.