Gual Stainless and SIPI sign Distribution Agreemen

SIPS and the Spanish Gual Stainless have signed a new Agreement for the Distribution of Flat Bar in Stainless Steel, produced hot rolled and cold rolled, for the all American market. Starting in June, Gual Stainless will be in charge of the distribution of: flat bar with saw cutting or cutted from plates; hot and cold rolled, width from 10mm to 500mm, and maximum thickness of 100mm; and innovating articles, for example, Angles and Profiles, with tailor-made cutting, regarding all the needs of the costumer. Gual Stainless has also introduced Quality 200 in stainless steel, which is a compound by a 1-4% of nickel, combined with alloys of Chrome and Manganese. The Series 200 shares the same quality and properties of the Quality AISI 304 in all sectors, excepting maritime areas and areas with a high pollution level or in contact with acids and similar. The Gual Stainless company desires to promote the use of this material due to all the advantages of cost comparing with Quality 300.

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