Walking through General’s day
As a Technical Lead Engineer at Auge Industrial, General has plenty of responsibilities to keep him busy throughout the day. “My day can be broken down into two portions; the first is to be process centric, the second is manufacturing,” he explains. “In terms of being process centric, orders need to be processed and moved forward, and with so much going on, it is normal for issues and questions to arise. It is my responsibility to resolve specification issues, process new orders, determine which heat treatment to use for a specific product.
In regard to manufacturing, General needs to maintain great communication with the quality and engineering teams in order to maintain a functional relationship with his customer. “If there are any major quality dispositions, or if there is something wrong with the quality process, I am one of the first people to review it and give that disposition. I then have to decide whether or not we have to inform the customer, based on its impact on quality and delivery.”
Since General deals with high-pressure situations on a day-to-day basis, it is important for him to work well under stress. “I have a weird, love-hate relationship with stress. I think I need to be stressed out in order to say, ‘Hey, I have to get this done’; it is just how I am structured. In a strange way, the stress is my favorite part about the job,” he recalls smiling. “The stress proves to me that I really care about what I am doing.” As he oversees the engineering and quality of these fasteners that will be used in subsea projects, General knows there is no room for failure. “You have to either be perfect, or you fail. I will do everything I have to in order to ensure the items will be perfect. I have to be confident at the end of the day, when I make decisions for projects, I determine if an item passes or fails, then sign off on it.”

Testing for safety
Ensuring a fastener has been manufactured correctly for an application going through a specific process and environment is crucial. One problem General warns about is the inconsistency in quality when it comes to purchasing and using certain fasteners. A portion of oil and gas equipment uses fasteners in a subsea environment. If a leak is to occur and there is a loss of containment, there is both the environmental and safety aspect to deal with. Therefore, General stresses that each fastener must meet the proper specifications and quality standards to maintain safe operation in their respected environment.
In order to improve the quality of fasteners and further avoid containment issues, General explains that currently, Auge Industrial is working with the American Petroleum Institute (API) 20 committee. “The API has a multi-segment task group that is in charge of looking into different aspects of bolting, which is a topic that has seen a renewed interest,” General states.
The project can be broken into five major segments. “The first project, ‘Recommended Practice for Fasteners’, is to create an overall document tying together what we know, and what the industry understands. For example, what are the different grades we can use to make fasteners, and what are the specifications for each? This information then gives the industry a recommended practice of how to use each fastener with the appropriate application. In order to do this, the rest of the API committee is continually studying specific challenges that the fastener industry has faced,” General explains.

Materials and coating
While Auge Industrial typically uses alloy steels, General explains that the company will use the higher stainless and super-duplex stainless steels if a customer has requested it. “If someone has, for example, requested a 316 stainless steel valve, we have to ensure that the fastener will be made from the same, or similar metallics.” If metallics are mixed together that are dissimilar, the corrosion resistance can be affected. “Specifically, if you have a 625 Inconel valve, and then you pair it with carbon steel bolting, the studs and nuts are going to preferentially corrode.”
Once the materials have been selected, General explains that coating could be used to add protection to the application. Touching briefly on the topic, he says that the applications he deals with typically use Xylan® (fluoropolymer) or electroplated (i.e. zinc, zinc-nickel, etc.). “A zinc-nickel plating is used when the application needs to be more corrosion- resistant. While Xylan® adds some corrosion-resistance, it really helps with assembly. If you have ever heard Teflon or Xylan®, it is supposed to be ‘non-stick’. As this coating is non-stick and slippery, assembly is much easier. From there, it becomes simpler to dial exactly how much torque is needed on each specific bolt.”
Keeping the industry going
It is no secret that there is currently a wave of retirees in the oil and gas industry, and General believes that this movement will pose some challenges. “Being part of the API committees in the oil and gas industry, I see that between myself and others there is a pretty big age difference.”
Perez explains that currently, the biggest challenge is recruiting and keeping people in the oil and gas industry. “Nowadays it is close to impossible. What we need to start doing is show the younger generation that there is a huge opportunity for growth in a short amount of time,” he states. “If you have the ability to learn quickly, and you have an entrepreneurial spirit, this is the industry for you to take on leadership roles quickly.”