Colinversiones Pres for LNG import policy

According Guillermo Londoño, president of Colombian power investment group Colinversiones, LNG import facilities in Colombia need to be developed within the next four years.
“Import plants would give security in moments of peak electricity demand. I think that before 2014-15 Colombia needs to have import facilities either constructed or expected,” Londoño explained.
The prospect of gas imports has long been advocated in Colombia as a major backup to the country’s hydro-dependant power matrix. Colombia’s power and gas regulator, Creg, is currently designing regulation for the development of future import facilities. Londoño confirmed that Colinversiones is part of a group of generators currently involved in studies.
He said: “At the moment there is a group of generators looking at sites on the coast, around Cartagena and others in Buenaventura. We are working with international companies that are present here as well, [though] these plans are only in a pre-feasibility stage.
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