Choose Weld Backing Tape to Support Weld Roots

Ceramic Backing Tape is often used to help support weld roots. However, with a melting point of 1,800ºC, concerns grow during TIG welding, where temperatures can reach up to 6,000ºC. 

Leaders in Weld Purging Technology, Huntingdon Fusion Techniques HFT® has manufactured a range of Weld Backing Tape®, with no true melting point, helping to support weld roots and prevent ‘sugaring’ or ‘grapes’. 

Suitable for stainless, carbon, duplex and chrome steels, as well as other reactive alloys, Weld Backing Tape® is used for manual and automatic welding. It can help achieve higher welding speeds and dramatically reduce the amount of post weld cleaning required. 

Each tape consists of a 3″ (75mm) wide aluminium adhesive tape, in the centre of which is a 1″ (25mm) wide band of woven glass fibre. The glass fibre matting has differing thicknesses to match the welding current in use. 

Save gas and down time with the simple addition of Argweld® Weld Backing Tape®. 

Courtesy of Huntingdon Fusion Techniques HFT®.
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