MOL Group partners with Evonik & thyssenkrupp
MOL Group has entered into key contracts related to core technologies of the Polyol Project. The contracts concern the purchase of technology licenses and process design packages for the hydrogen peroxide to propylene oxide (HPPO) technology of propylene oxide production.
Join Stainless Steel World Americas on LinkedIn!
The Stainless Steel World Americas LinkedIn Group is a networking platform for professionals working with stainless steel.
Stainless steel HDS Pipeline Metal Detectors
Mettler-Toledo Safeline, a leading metal detection technology specialist, whose US headquarters are located in Tampa, Florida, has developed a range of stainless steel HDS Pipeline Detectors.
ERA funding new technology to reduce emissions
Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) has committed to funding 12 innovative methane-reducing technology projects. The projects have a combined value of more than USD $83 million and are approved for up to USD $29.
Steel imports climb in May
The USA imported 3.4 million tons of steel in May, including 2.6 million tons of finished steel, according to Census Bureau data and the American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington.
Tanker safety enhanced by port approach software
Tesoro has deployed ABB software on its very large crude carriers (VLCCs) to improve safety for tankers entering a key US port.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Submit before June 16th
Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas now accepting abstracts!
Experts from all aspects of the fugitive emissions industry are invited to submit an abstract for either a paper or a detailed presentation that the Chairman and Steering Committee members will review and consider for acceptance.
Pump Summit Americas: 1 week to submit an abstract
Pump Summit Americas 2018 is now accepting abstracts. Experts from all aspects of the pump industry are invited to submit an abstract for either a paper or a detailed presentation that the Chairman and Steering Committee members will review and consider for acceptance.
Optomec awarded $3 million project
New Mexico-based Optomec, a leading global supplier of production grade additive manufacturing (AM) systems for 3D printed metals and 3D printed electronics, has been awarded, alongside partners Lockheed Martin and GE, a USD $3 million NextFlex project dedicated to flexible hybrid electronics (FHE).
CALL FOR PAPERS: Pump Summit Americas
Pump Summit Americas 2018 is now accepting abstracts. Experts from all aspects of the pump industry are invited to submit an abstract for either a paper or a detailed presentation that the Chairman and Steering Committee members will review and consider for acceptance.