
This section provides the latest news updates on a variety of world-wide tenders, projects, expansions contracts and acquisitions for stainless steel and related products.

USA considers more wind projects on federal land

USA considers more wind projects on federal land

The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump is considering changes to a California desert plan that had set aside areas for renewable energy development.
Canadian Fort Hills project achieves first oil

Canadian Fort Hills project achieves first oil

Total has reported that the Fort Hills oil sands project located in Alberta, Canada, 90 kilometers north of Fort McMurray, has achieved first oil.
Ultra-high strength steel market on the rise

Ultra-high strength steel market on the rise

Research and Markets has just released a report detailing that the ultra-high strength steel market is estimated to be USD $7.
Cayenne Pipeline completed

Cayenne Pipeline completed

The Cayenne Pipeline, which is a joint venture between American Midstream Partners LP (AMID) and Targa Resources Corp.
Stainless a factor in oil & gas pipes market

Stainless a factor in oil & gas pipes market

Globally, there has been an increasing demand for oil and gas pipelines because of the growing need for transporting oil and gas materials.
Gateway Arch restoration project

Gateway Arch restoration project

There are now plans underway to expand the grounds and visitor center at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri. This USD $380 million project received lots of public support with voters approving a 2013 local ballot proposition to finance the restoration with $85 million in sales tax revenue.
Petrobras & ExxonMobil partner for projects

Petrobras & ExxonMobil partner for projects

Brazil’s Petrobras and America’s ExxonMobil have just signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding a strategic alliance to jointly identify and evaluate potential business opportunities across all sectors of oil and gas production.

Eaton to use 3D printing in hydropower project

US power management firm Eaton is applying additive manufacturing to generating low-cost hydropower for the Department of Energy (DOE).

Nucor approves steel bar micro mill project

Nucor Corporation has announced that Nucor's board of directors has approved a steel bar micro mill project, and announced the company is considering five states in the Midwest and Southeast USA for the project.

Material selection for offshore: Part two

Material selection for piping systems is performed in the early stages of a project, before details are known about process parameters, dimensions and layout.