
Duplex stainless steels have a ferritic-austenitic microstructure, in roughly equal proportions 50% ferrite and 50% austenite. Duplex combines many of the attractive properties of ferritic and austenitic stainless steels into one. They are designed to provide better corrosion resistance, in particular to stress corrosion and pitting corrosion. The microstructure leads to higher strength than standard austenitic stainless steels such as Type 304 or 316. Duplex stainless steels have become more and more popular in recent years.

RAM quality round bar

Rolled Alloys’ Houston-based processing facility is now stocking an extensive inventory of Rolled Alloys Machining (RAM) quality 304/L and 316/L round bar.

RT 100 VA drills for stainless steel

For the production of accurate holes in stainless steels, Guhring has developed the new RT 100 VA drill family.

Niton XL2 Series and XL3t GOLDD Series XRF Alloy A

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. will demonstrate its family of Thermo Scientific Niton handheld XRF analyzers, including the Niton XL2 Series and Niton XL3t Series with geometrically optimized large area drift detector (GOLDD) technology, within booth #E-5242 at IMTS 2010, taking place 13-18 September at McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois.

CNC turret punch for fast processing

LVD Strippit has introduced the Strippit VX-Series of CNC turret punch presses designed for fast processing of thin sheet materials.

Cleaner, Polish, and Protectant for Stainless Stee

Advanced Polymer Inc. (API), of Carlstadt, New Jersey, US, has introduced APW-342C, a water-based emulsion concentrate that can be used to produce a one-step cleaner, polish and surface protectant for stainless steel.

Mega Mex redesigns website

Mega Mex, a specialty metals supplier, has announced its newly redesigned website, www.megamex.com, providing visitors with information about the special metals they provide.

Machining centre with 30,000rpm spindle

Datron Dynamics Inc., of Millford, New Hampshire, US, has introduced the M85 machining center, featuring a 30,000rpm spindle.

Updates on AD orders on stainless steel wire rod i

The US International Trade Commission (ITC) has determined that revoking the existing antidumping (AD) duty orders on stainless steel wire rod from Italy, Japan, Korea, Spain, and Taiwan would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time.

Stainless steel cleaner

The Research and Development Department at Life Industries Inc. has developed a new Stainless Steel Cleaner that Cleans and protects in one easy step.

Harvey Titanium becomes Rolled Alloys

Rolled Alloys has announced that, on 1 January 2010, Harvey Titanium officially changed its name to Rolled Alloys, becoming a fully integrated west coast service center.