Plan for your NDT systems

In his article, Planning ahead for a successful NDT systems, Joseph Baldauff, field engineering manager at Magnetic Analysis Corporation (MAC), explains that in today’s demanding environment, stainless steel suppliers find themselves having to live up to an implicit minimum quality level for virtually every product they sell. 
The questions for them are: ‘What issues should be considered?’ and ‘What decisions are needed to ensure a quality level that satisfies customers while also maintaining cost effectiveness?’
“As a start, suppliers should recognize that it is fast becoming mandatory for any long stock producer to pass 100 per cent of the product through a test station to assure that the customer expected quality levels are met,” Baldauff explains. “At the most basic level, any inspection line must at least test for surface quality, general straightness and uniformity of surface quality.”
For the full article, please email Catarina Muia at for the article PDF.
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