Dr. Resolve a success

Roll-Kraft’s Dr. Resolve website feature is getting ever more traffic from the interactive connection. Inquiries, problems, and questions are immediately sent to the company by completing an on-line form. Just click on Dr. Resolve and send your problem to Roll-Kraft. Experts will respond at any time of day, such as Robert Sladky (VP of Tube Mill Engineering and past recipient of the TPA Industry Education Activities Award) on subjects regarding welded tube and pipe equipment, and Chuck Summerhill (VP of US Operations) on issues regarding roll forming machines. There are over a dozen technical staff available to respond. The Roll-Kraft website also provides other technical information, including Profit Pointers, which are readily available for printing. Subjects include topics such as mill setups, tooling management and maintenance programs, improving changeover times, and others. In addition, Roll-Kraft technicians are available to provide on-site troubleshooting, mill evaluations, mill alignments, and various seminars.

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