The World Steel Association (worldsteel) is calling for an industry-wide safety audit across all sectors of the steel industry in honor of Steel Safety Day on April 28, 2014 and aims to engage the entire steel industry along with related organizations and service providers and could reach up to four million people worldwide.
As a call to action, worldsteel is asking all participating organizations to carry out the audit from April 14 to 28 and report back any findings to worldsteel. The audit criteria focuses on identifying the hazards for the main causes of safety incidents in the steel industry and then preparing an action plan to deal with any onsite hazards or risks. The five most common causes of safety incidents are: moving equipment, falling from heights, falling objects, asphyxiation or gassing and cranes. By implementing preventive measures all of these potential hazards can be avoided.
Edwin Basson, Director General of worldsteel has commented about the campaign, “…safety incidents still happen in the industry today and it is our responsibility to make sure that all applicable measures have been put in place to manage the hazards. We believe all injuries and work-related illness can and must be prevented.”