The durable nylon inserts withstand steady exposure to harsh chemicals from caustics to gas and oil. 3D printed inserts can be made from a variety of materials, from Kynar to stainless steel. These mixers offer a solution for municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment, oil & gas, natural gas, propane, and biofuel processors.
Westfall uses 3D printing for Pipe Static Mixer 3050
Westfall Manufacturing is 3D printing to manufacture their small size Static Mixers, specifically their Low Headloss Pipe Static Mixer 3050 out of durable nylon and gluing it in PVC pipe. Customers has been requesting Low Headloss Mixer 3050 in the 1″ to 5″ (0.95cm to 21.7cm) range, which is too small for cost-effective fiberglass or stainless steel custom fabrication. Westfall engineers knew that whether the materials used were metal, fiberglass or 3D printed nylon, the mixer’s high performance wouldn’t change. If the geometry stayed the same the hydrodynamics would be the same.
Image courtesy of Westfall Manufacturing