US DOC issues results for stainless from Brazil

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) announced in the Federal Register the final results of its antidumping (AD) duty administrative review for stainless steel bar from Brazil. No changes were made from the preliminary determination. As a result of its administrative review covering 1 February 2009, through 31 January 2010, the US DOC has determined a final dumping margin of 4.07% for Villares Metals S.A. Petitioners in the investigation are Carpenter Technology Corporation, Valbruna Slater Satinless, Electralloy Corporation, a division of G.O. Carlson, Inc., Outokumpu Stainless Bar, Inc. and Universal Stainless. The current margins in place for stainless steel bar from Brazil are 3.7% for Villares Metals and 19.43% for all other producers or exporters.

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