U.S. energy secretary says nuclear power plays imp

U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Dr. Steven Chu has recently told workers at Southern Company subsidiary Georgia Power’s Plant Vogtle that nuclear power will continue to be an important part of the energy mix in the United States and around the world. In a speech before several hundred plant employees, Dr. Chu outlined a national energy policy that values the role nuclear plays in confronting energy security and jobs creation in a struggling global economy.
Vogtle is the site of America’s next new nuclear units, the first to be built in a generation. “In his State of the Union address, President Obama outlined a blueprint for an American economy that is built to last and develops every available source of American energy,” said Secretary Chu. “Nuclear power is an important part of that blueprint.
The work being done in Georgia and at research organizations like Oak Ridge National Laboratory is helping restore American leadership in the global race for the nuclear energy jobs of tomorrow.”
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