Technip wins subsea contract in the Gulf of Mexico

Exxon Mobil Corporation has awarded Technip a substantial lump-sum contract for the development of the Julia field located in the Walker Ridge area of the Gulf of Mexico, at a water depth of approximately 7,200 feet.
The contract covers the project management, engineering, fabrication, installation and pre-commissioning of more than 48 kilometers of 10.75-inch outer diameter insulated flowlines, steel catenary risers and flowline end terminations.
Technip’s operating center in Houston, Texas will perform the overall project management, with detailed flowline design being completed by Genesis, Technip’s wholly-owned subsidiary. The flowlines and risers will be welded at the Group’s spoolbase in Mobile, Alabama. The offshore installation is expected to be completed in 2015 by the Deep Blue, one of Technip’s deepwater pipelay vessels.

“Following the award of the Hadrian South natural gas project by Exxon Mobil Corporation in 2012, this new project further reinforces our leading position in the Gulf of Mexico ultra-deepwater market,” said Technip’s Senior Vice President, North America Region, David Dickson.
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