Master Chemical Corp. has released TRIM C380, a synthetic metalworking fluid, which has been optimized for high-tech ferrous materials including stainless steel and Inconel. These materials are widely used in the aerospace, medical, and electronics industries. Additionally, C380 provides resistance to corrosion on these high-tech ferrous materials. Using C380 is suitable for a range of operations from general grinding to heavy-duty machining. C380 readily rejects process oils, such as hydraulic and way oils. The combination of the proven synthetic ester technology and nonhalogenated EP package produces high levels of usable lubricity at the point-of-cut. C380 utilizes low-foam detergents to keep process soils from redepositing on machines and parts. C380 contains no chlorine, phenol, nitrites, copper, triazines, silicone, phosphorous, or SARA 313 reportable chemistry and is PRTR compliant.