Stalatube is planning to launch Stalafit PRO, which is an advanced version of the Stalafit mobile application that was launched last year. This application will be similar to the previous one with regard to its visual identity and usability, but its functionalities will be doubled. Stalafit PRO is used to design beam and column structures that consist of Stalatubes RHS and I-beams.
Stalatube, a manufacturer of stainless steel hollow sections, has observed that designers or engineers need user-friendly and comprehensive tools that lower the threshold for considering a stainless steel option. Many structural analysis programs do not necessarily have the capability to design with stainless steel at all. In order to respond to this need, Stalatube launched designer tools in the Design Tools section of their website, and Stalafit PRO will also be available there. The complimentary application is now available in Android app store, and will soon be available for Windows 10 and as a mobile application in the iOS app store. The application has been developed in cooperation with the AINS Group and the software company Avenla.
The starting point of the development process was to create a fully functional design application that produces ultimate limit state, serviceability limit state and fire design in accordance with Eurocodes. This will also help designers who are not as experienced with stainless steel to use the fire resistance characteristics of stainless steel. In order to optimise structures, designers can also use the worlds widest stainless RHS dimension range that in roll-formed hollow sections extends up to 300x300x12 and 400x200x12 produced by Stalatube. Individually manufactured hollow sections and I-beams can be delivered according to each customers specifications.
Image courtesy of Stalatube