Stainless steel jet pulse cartridge dust collectors

Sternvent’s Sternpulse Jet Pulse Cartridge Dust Collectors are now available in 304 and 316 stainless construction, for dust materials, such as reactive chemicals and food products that are not compatible with painted steel. The design is compact, easy to maintain, and provides an energy efficient solution to in-plant dust problems.

Rated from 1500-5000 CFM, their proven design and efficient operation make them ideal for capturing fugitive dust in size reduction, powder mixing, and blending applications. They are available with 4, 6, 8, and 12 cartridges that are rail mounted and slide out for easy replacement. All welded and heavy-duty construction are standard. They are available with nanofiber, spun-bond polyester, flame-retardant filter media, energy efficient backward inclined fans, a 55-gal drum assembly, or rotary airlock.

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