Stabilizer 2.0 series from Niagara Cutter

Pennsylvania-based Niagara Cutter, a subsidiary of Seco Tools, LLC, recently launched its new Niagara Cutter Stabilizer 2.0 next-generation family of end mills. Stabilizer 2.0 includes the ST440.2 HT series for ISO-M and ISO-S materials, including stainless steel, titanium and high-temp alloys, as well as the ST430.2 series designed for steels, alloy steels and cast iron.

The Stabilizer 2.0 cutters incorporate patented continuous variable asymmetrical geometries and provides a smooth and chatter-free performance that aims for feed rates to be doubled. In addition to the performance boost provided by the new geometry, an AlTiN coating is designed to resist heat and abrasion to optimize tool life.

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