Siemens to deliver two gas turbines to Uruguay

Siemens Energy will deliver two SGT5-2000E gas turbines with the associated generators for the Punta del Tigre combined cycle power plant in Ciudad del Plata in the San Jose department of Uruguay. Siemens received the order from Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co., LTD.
The end customer is the state-run power utility Administración Nacional de Usinas y Transmisiones Eléctricas.
The plant, fueled with both natural gas and diesel, will have a total installed electrical output of 535 megawatts. The two power units are scheduled to come online in fall/winter 2015/16.

“The SGT5-2000E is a proven, robust turbine that especially impresses customers with its low capital costs and long-term advantages when it comes to maintenance and repair. Currently, more than 380 turbines of this type are in use around the world. Collectively, these turbines have reached over 16 million equivalent operating hours,” said Vice President of Product Sales for the Americas at Siemens Energy, John Wilson.
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