Senior resident inspector appointed for Waterford 3 pla

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has chosen Frances Ramirez as the new senior resident inspector at the Waterford 3 nuclear plant that is located in Killona, Louisiana.

Ms. Ramirez first joined the NRC’s Region III office in Lisle, Illinois in September 2002, after graduating from the University of Puerto Rico with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. Until recently, she served as the resident inspector at Braidwood nuclear plant in Braceville, Illinois. She was also the resident inspector at LaSalle nuclear plant in Marseilles, Illinois.

Regarding her new appointment, NRC Region IV Administrator Marc Dapas, has commented, “Frances Ramirez’s technical and regulatory experience will assist the NRC in carrying out its mission to protect people and the environment by ensuring the safe operation of the Waterford plant.”

Each U.S. commercial nuclear power plant has at least two resident inspectors and Ms. Ramirez joins fellow resident inspector Mr. Chris Speer. They will both serve as the agency’s eyes and ears at the facility, conducting inspections, monitoring significant work projects and interacting with plant workers and the public.

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