In 2020, Sandvik ABs Annual General Meeting adopted an instruction regarding the appointment of the Nomination Committee, applicable until the General Meeting resolves otherwise. Pursuant to this instruction, the company shall have a Nomination Committee comprised of members appointed by each of the four principal shareholders in terms of votes, as well as the Chairman of the Board (convenor).
The Nomination Committee has now been appointed and consists of the following members: Fredrik Lundberg, AB Industrivärden, Chairman of the Nomination Committee; Ann Grevelius, Alecta; Marianne Nilsson, Swedbank Robur Funds; Lars Pettersson, Lundbergföretagen; and Johan Molin, Sandviks Chairman of the Board.
The Nomination Committee shall prepare proposals for the 2021 Annual General Meeting regarding the Chairman of the Meeting, number of Board members, fees to be paid to each of the Board members, election of Board members and Board Chairman, remuneration to the auditor and election of auditor and, if necessary, proposal for changes in the instruction to the Nomination Committee.
Shareholders who wish to present proposals to the Nomination Committee for the 2021 Annual General Meeting can submit them to the Nomination Committees Secretary, Šsa Thunman, by e-mail:
In order for the Nomination Committee to be able to consider submitted proposals in a constructive manner, these should be submitted by February 1, 2021, at the latest.
Courtesy of Sandvik.