In the article ‘Quantifying ferrite in duplex stainless steel with magnetism and searching for sigma (Part one of two)’, written by Ana Benz, Chief Engineer, IRISNDT; Brad Berglan, Laboratory Manager, Maverick Testing Laboratories, Inc.; William F. Newell, PE, PEng, IWE, Vice President – Engineering, EUROWELD; Charles W. Patrick, Director of Technical Services, Maverick Testing Laboratories, Inc.; Glenn Roemer, Materials Engineer, IRISNDT; Ramon Solo, Metallurgist, Maverick Testing Laboratories, Inc.; Elaine Thomas, Director of Metallurgy, BRADKEN Tacoma, the group talks about how duplex stainless steels (SS) have a remarkable combination of high strength and exceptional corrosion resistance. For the same pressure, Duplex SS components can be made of thinner walls than those needed to fabricate austenitic SS parts. However, in addition to their favourable characteristics, Duplex SS are more susceptible to precipitation of deleterious embrittling phases than austenitic SS1.
“The formation of these phases depends on critical cooling rates and temperatures from welding and/or other processes,” the group writes. “Careful control of heat-related processes is required to ensure that the resulting parts have acceptable mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.”
To read the full article, please email Candace Allison at for the PDF.
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