Protolabs adds two more materials to its AM portfolio

Minnesota-based manufacturer, Protolabs, has announced the addition of Inconel 718 and maraging steel 1.2709 to its collection of direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) 3D printing materials.

With such a high strength, as well as corrosion resistant properties, materials such as Inconcel 718 will further enable Protolabs to create functional, end-use, 3D-printed parts for the aerospace sector.

Inconel 718, a high-strength, corrosion-resistant nickel chromium superalloy, can be used at temperatures between -252°C and 704°C and displays good tensile, fatigue, creep and rupture strength. With the additive manufacturing process, DMLS, this superalloy can produce jet and rocket engine components, gas turbine and instrumentation parts, as well as power and process parts.

Maraging steel 1.2709 is a pre-alloyed, ultra-high-strength steel in the form of fine powder. It is characterized by having exceptional mechanical properties, as well as being easily heat-treatable using a simple thermal age-hardening process. Maragining steel 1.2709 is also ideal for aerospace-grade parts in addition to tooling components for motor racing applications. 

ProtolabsÂ’ range of metals available for its DMLS service now includes aluminum, 316 stainless steel, titanium, Inconel 718 and maraging steel 1.2709.

Image courtesy of Protolabs
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