A group aimed at promoting copper mining projects in northeastern Minnesota revealed the results of its statewide poll, which showed support for mining projects in the area. The poll was funded for by the Jobs for Minnesotans, which includes business, labor and civic leaders. The poll, consisting of 603 registered Minnesota voters, found that 48 percent of Minnesotans supported copper-nickel mining, 22 percent opposed it and 31 percent had no opinion.
Harry Melander, Jobs for Minnesotans board member and president of the Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council, stated, “Overall, Minnesotans hold positive attitudes towards our state’s mining industry and the development of copper-nickel mining.”
The poll contradicts another recent survey that was conducted by an anti-mining group, which found minimal opposition to copper mines, but with 40 percent not sure of their opinion. Despite these differences in final results, both polls highlight the large portion of undecided Minnesotans. Later this year, regulators will be releasing a revised environmental review of the PolyMet project, the $600-million-plus copper mine project near Hoyt Lakes, which should better inform the area’s residents.