ICDA recently awarded Outokumpu, a global manufacturer of stainless steel, with operations in North and South America, with the International Chromium Development Association’s Award on Safety. ICDA is an international non-profit association that promotes the value and sustainability of chromium and represents the chromium industry worldwide. The award was decided through a vote of ICDA member companies.
Outokumpu Kemi Mine is the only operative chromite ore mine in the European Union. Production started in 1968 as an open pit, and currently all mining is underground. Total ore reserves are 48 million tonnes and mineral resources 100 million tonnes. Annual ore production in 2014 was 2.4 million tonnes. Ore is concentrated into upgraded lumpy ore and fine concentrate (1.1 million tonnes in 2014), which are raw materials for Outokumpu’s Ferrochrome Works in Tornio.