Petrobras has confirmed the presence of good quality oil (31 º API) in ultra deep waters in the Santos Basin pre-salt while drilling well 1-SPS-98 (1-BRSA-1063-SPS), informally known as Sagitário. This is the first well to be drilled in the BM-S-50 block and is located off the coast of São Paulo in 1,871 meters of water.
The concession where this well is being drilled is located west of the main discovery in the Santos Basin pre-salt (cluster blocks). The importance of this discovery lies in the fact that this is an exploration frontier.
The oil was found in carbonate reservoirs 6,150 meters below the salt layer. The well is still being drilled up to a final depth of 6,950 meters to define the bottom of the oil reservoirs.
The oil was found in carbonate reservoirs 6,150 meters below the salt layer. The well is still being drilled up to a final depth of 6,950 meters to define the bottom of the oil reservoirs.