Nippon to supply titanium billet to SAFRAN Group

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (Nippon Steel), with branches in North and South America, recently reached an agreement with SAFRAN Group, a leading jet engine manufacturer, for long-term supply of titanium alloy billet.

SAFRAN’s new engine, LEAP, developed with GE in USA, is scheduled for production increase. It will be used in Boeing 737 MAX and Airbus 320 NEO. Nippon Steel will contribute to this growing aerospace industry by supplying high quality and competitive titanium materials.

This agreement is based on the premise that Nippon Steel utilize Electron Beam (EB) furnace and Vacuum Arc Remelting (VAR) furnace installed in Nippon Steel Sumikin Naoetsu Titanium, which is a corporate joint venture between Nippon Steel and Toho Titanium.
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