Nippon Steel Corporation has announced the “Nippon Steel Carbon Neutral Vision 2050 A Challenge of Zero-Carbon Steel” as a part of the new medium-to long-term management plan.
This policy statement is based on Nippon Steels identification of global environmental issues as necessarily fundamental to corporate management. To support environment-related efforts the company has adopted a slogan and an activity logo. Their aim is 1) to resolve and declare that they will actively address them, and 2) to express a particular focus on Zero-carbon steel. Nippon Steel will actively promote their environmental management measures, particularly those related to Zero-carbon steel, both in Japan and overseas, while utilizing the environmental slogan and logo.
The shape of the logo represents the Zero-carbon, and the color, green, is adopted for its nature association. In addition, the companys commitment is expressed in the tagline “NIPPON STEEL Zero-carbon initiative.
Courtesy of Nippon Steel.