Mexico: Sulfuric acid co-generation plant

Stingray Copper Inc. has awarded a contract to Aker Chemetics, a division of Aker Solutions Canada Inc., for the full basic engineering of a co-generating plant producing both sulfuric acid and electricity. The co-generation plant will be capable of producing 750tn/day of sulfuric acid. In addition, it will produce superheated high pressure steam to be used in a turbo-generator resulting in approximately 10MW of electrical power. The plant will be able to supply 100% of sulfuric acid requirements for the El Pilar operation. The primary input for the plant is liquid molten sulfur that is readily available from several sources, but particularly in the Texas gulf coast as a by-product of sour gas production wells. Stingray’s market investigations have indicated steady, reliable sources of sulfur can be railed directly to the El Pilar site. Aker Chemetics is expected to complete their work prior to the year end.
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