Lockheed Martin has received government approval to use a groundbreaking cryogenic titanium machining process in production of the F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter. Cryogenic titanium machining enhances cutting-tool life by a factor of 10 with appropriate material removal processing speed. The Joint Program Office, in collaboration with the F-35 Fracture Control Board (FCB), approved the new process for standard roughing operations which will impact the most time-consuming and cost-intensive machining processes associated with manufacturing titanium parts. If applied extensively, this new technology could improve affordability and efficiency in the production of the F-35, which is around 25% titanium by weight. The team of Creare Incorporated, H.M. Dunn Company, and MAG IAS has worked with Lockheed Martin, the US Navy Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Office and the F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) for numerous years on the development of the low flow cryogenic machining of titanium, funded through SBIR program awards. The high performance titanium machining process was created, developed and tested at Creare, Inc., in Hanover, N.H. The F-35 Lightning II is a 5th Generation fighter that features advanced stealth with fighter speed and agility, fully fused sensor information, network-enabled operations and advanced sustainment.