According to a recent report from Alacero (Latin American Steel Association) in January to May 2016, the total exports of steel from China to the world increased 7 percent versus January to May 2015, reaching 45.2 million tons (Mt). Of this volume, 42.4 Mt were finished steel, including stainless steel, and 2.8 Mt of steel-derivatives products.
Latin America accounted for 6 percent of those exports from China, reducing its participation in 3.9 percentage points versus January to May 2015 (9.9 percent), standing at fourth place as China’s preferred destination. China´s main destinations for finished steel exports are: South Korea (5.6 Mt, 12.3 percent of the global total), Vietnam (5.2 Mt, 11.6 percent of the total) and Thailand (3.0 Mt, 6,6 percent of the total).