KWG positive about chromite smelting technique

The Ring of Fire project proponent KWG Resources has stated that more laboratory tests have been completed in efforts to reduce chromite ore from its Black Horse deposit using natural gas. The company has commented that based on the test, they are “substantially encouraged” that the new method might be used to convert Black Horse chromite into a metallised chrome and iron alloy.

During the tests, the chromite was blended with suitable solid carbon as redeuctant and was reduced in the solid state at atmospheric pressure, using reformed natural gas. This process produced the alloy. Reactions started at 900 °C when a suitable accelerant was used to enhance the reactions. This is a much lower temperature than what is normally used for chromite ores.

Based on these tests, estimates are that “very substantial” energy savings could be achieved. The process has a considerably lower greenhouse gas emission footprint and a significantly reduced impact on the environment. KWG is currently obtaining an international patent for the method.

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