In 2012 Statoil increased oil sands production by more than 60 per cent and reduced CO2 intensity by almost 24 per cent. These results were published in the Statoil 2012 Oil Sands Report.
The report demonstrates clear progress in reaching ambitious targets for responsible oil sands production in Canada.
The report demonstrates clear progress in reaching ambitious targets for responsible oil sands production in Canada.
The Oil Sands Report contains performance indicators which measure production and energy consumption – as well as emissions intensity and quality and use of air, water and land – at the Leismer Demonstration Project and in the Kai Kos Dehseh (KKD) leases in northern Alberta.
“We reduced water usage, improved our steam-oil ratio and planted 267,000 trees to reclaim land,” said Statoil’s senior vice president in Canada, Ståle Tungesvik. “We are proud of the results we have achieved and are encouraged to continue our efforts to reach our ambitious targets.”
Production at Leismer began in January 2011 and is a steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) facility. In 2012 Statoil produced 16,333 barrels per day on average and achieved a steam-oil ratio of 2.5 at Leismer, improved from 2.7 in 2011, and almost 17 per cent better than expected when the facility was designed.
The 2012 Oil Sands Report is audited by an independent third party.
The 2012 Oil Sands Report is audited by an independent third party.