HFT weld purge solution for LNG project in Ecuador

Huntingdon Fusion Techniques (HFT), a leading manufacturer of weld purging products, recently provided their Flexible Welding Enclosure® solution during the construction of a jetty, for the import of liquid natural gas (LNG) in Ecuador. American construction and civil engineering company, Bechtel, had a number of small stainless steel socket welds to complete. In the climate conditions there and with the small size of the welds, it was difficult to assure a good all round weld purge to avoid oxidation and the attendant metallurgical defects that might follow.

Ron Sewell, Chairman for HFT said: “With LNG pipework handling cryogenic gas at such low temperature, the propensity for cracking of welds is quite prominent and with socket welds already being a crack propagator if not set up correctly, it was wise to ensure that the welds were purged correctly.

The enclosures were chosen over both vacuum and glove box alternatives, and offered a reduction in cost, very small floor footprint and availability of a range of sizes up to 27 cu. m.

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