Gaztransport & Technigaz (GTT), with partners in Canada, has secured certification from classification society DNV-GL for its new liquid natural gas (LNG) containment system, called the Mark V. The General for Ship Application (GASA) approval of the new containment system is expected to speed up the implementation of two cooperation agreements to confirm the industrialisation of the system.
An optimised version of the Mark III system and its sister Mark III Flex, the Mark V technology is composed of a double insulation with reinforced polyurethane foam.
In addition, the system includes a new nickel-steel alloy corrugated secondary membrane. According to the company, with major modifications to the existing models, Mark V will offer significant improvement of the warranted daily boil off rate.
In April and May this year, GTT signed agreements with the shipbuilders Samsung Heavy Industries and Hyundai Heavy Industries respectively to test the systems.
This partnership will see the development and qualification of a welding robot for the primary stainless steel and secondary invar membranes. The robot is expected to enhance the welding process and minimise the time for construction.