Grieve tempering furnace for welding preheating

Round Lake, Illinois-based Grieve Corporation has produced No. 837, a 1450-degrees-F electrically heated tempering furnace, used for preheating before welding and various post-welding heat treatments.

The furnaceÂ’s workspace dimensions are 60 inch wide by 60 inch deep by 60 inch high. Nickel chrome wire coils supported by a stainless steel framework deliver 180 kW to provide heat to the load. The unit also includes a rear wall-mounted, heat-resisting alloy recirculating fan, powered by a 25-HP motor with V-belt drive and water-cooled bearings.

The 8-inch-thick insulated walls comprise 3 inches of 2300-degrees-F ceramic fiber and 5-inch block insulation, while the 7-inch floor insulation is made from 5 inches of 2300-degrees-F firebrick and 2 inches of block insulation.

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