GKD’s new microfiltration standards

GKDMetalFabrics, a German company with locations across North America, has unveiled its mesh design for micro sieving in water treatment operations, in hopes to contribute to a healthier and cleaner world. 

GKD’s latest version of the Porometric, high-performance mesh is characterized by an open, three-dimensional design with slit structure and rectangular pores. 

The development of the optimized Dutch weaves 6 (ODW6), was presented for the microfiltration sector, and retains twice as many particles as the original ODW. Coupled with easy cleaning by backwashing, as well as the mechanical strength and material specific corrosion-resistance of stainless steel mesh, these weaves offer prerequisites for highly efficient processes.

Previous filter media only permitted particle retention or less than 20 µm at the required flow rates. ODW6 meshes represent a significantly higher performance alternative that can replace the plastic filters currently used in all common disc filtration systems in the water industry. The stainless steel design also prevents further contamination of the water due to process-based abrasion and decomposition of the synthetic filters. 

Image courtesy of GKDMetalFabrics
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