Foster Wheeler wins contract for Perla field

Foster Wheeler Upstream has won a project management contract by Cardon IV for new production facilities for the Perla Field in the Gulf of Venezuela. Cardon IV is a joint venture company owned by Eni Venezuela and Repsol YPF Venezuela Gas.
The new production facilities will comprise offshore structures, trees, controls, offshore processing, subsea flowlines, export pipelines, the shore approach and utilities facilities from the wellheads to an onshore gas plant, and tie-in to an existing gas and condensate pipeline system. First gas is planned at the end of 2014.
Foster Wheeler will supervise the engineering, procurement and construction activities.
The company’s scope of work requires supervision activities to be carried out in engineering centers in Houston, Madrid, London, and Rijeka, Croatia, and in more than 15 countries for fabrication and construction of equipment and materials at module and jacket fabrication yards and for site installation.
“We are delighted that Cardon IV has selected Upstream’s Houston-based team for this project, and we look forward to continuing to deliver a high-quality service that fully satisfies our client,” said CEO, Foster Wheeler Upstream, Hal Ankrum. “We have built a strong working relationship with Cardon IV since we started work on the conceptual engineering in 2010, and then completed the front-end engineering design.”
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