FCI’s stainless steel switch for corrosive applications

With its no-moving parts flow/level sensor housed in a stainless steel package and NEMA 4X enclosure, the robust SIL-2 rated FLT93 series switch from Fluid Components International (FCI) is ready for the heavy marine seawater, acidic or alkaline fluids and wash-down cycles encountered in a wide range of industrial processes and plant environments.
The field-proven FLT93 switches provide air/gas flow or point level measurement wherever exposure to seawater, salty air, harsh process fluids and heavy wash-downs are a requirement. Its flow/level sensors come in stainless steel, Hastelloy or other exotic metals for demanding service environments. This versatile switch offers users a choice of insertion or inline mounting, faster response or high flow rate capabilities and optional sanitary service.
Aboard offshore oil/gas platforms and large floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels as well as other types of marine cargo and passenger ships, the continuous exposure of ordinary flow/level switches to corrosive sea water and air is an issue. In contrast, the FLT93 switch with its stainless steel construction and NEMA 4X rating performs highly dependable flare gas and safety relieve valve leakage measurement as well as many other tasks including vessel boiler air flow monitoring and HVAC leak detection.
In oil/gas refineries and in many chemical plants, flow/level instruments are exposed to a wide range of harsh catalysts, solvents and other corrosive fluids including dirty methane and hydrogen sulphide gases that over time can affect measurement accuracy in less robust instruments. The rugged design of the FLT93 makes it a perfect fit in these harsh conditions that requires virtually no maintenance over a long service life.
The FLT93 switch is a dual-function instrument that indicates both flow and temperature, and/or level sensing in a single device. Dual 6A relay outputs are standard and are assignable to flow, level or temperature. Based on FCI’s thermal dispersion expertise, the unique sensor technology of the FLT93 switches, combined with FlexSwitch™ temperature-compensation circuitry, introduces unparalleled performance capabilities:
• Exclusive flow accuracy as precise as ± 2% of the setpoint velocity over ± 28°C temperature range; repeatability of ±0.5% reading
• Level resolution of ± 2.5 mm; repeatability of ± 1.3 mm
• Standard temperature accuracy ± 1 °C; repeatability ± 0.6 ?C; improved temperature accuracy is available with factory calibration
Image courtesy of Fluid Components International
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