FabCO Hornet welding wire

Hobart Brothers, of Troy, Ohio, US, has introduced its FabCO Hornet gas-shielded flux-cored welding wire. Designed as a general fabrication welding wire for mild or low alloy steels, the FabCO Hornet wire can be used in all positions with either 100% CO2 or a 75% Ar/25% CO2 shielding gas mixture. The wire features an easily removable slag and low spatter levels. Available in .045-in, .052-in, and 1/16-in. diameters, the wire produces a flat bead profile and is suitable for either single- or multi-pass applications. It also meets the optional H8 diffusible hydrogen requirement. Classified under American Welding Society code A5.20 as E71T-1C H8, E71T-1M H8, E71T-9C H8 and E71T-9M H8, the FabCO Hornet welding wire features a tensile strength of between 70,000 and 95,000psi. Typical impact strength is 75 ft-lbs at -20F when used with a mixed shielding gas.
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