ExxonMobil Engineers encouraging girls in math and scie

It is the 11th year that the ExxonMobil Foundation is offering “Introduce a Girl to Engineering” activities at various sites across the US.
Over 450 ExxonMobil employees will be hosting 2,500 middle-school students, at 16 different locations, to help boost interest in science, technology, engineering, welding and math. It is all part of the Girl Day initiative originally launched by the National Engineers Week Foundation (now DiscoverE).
The fun, hands-on activities will connect math and science to real-life applications and will include demonstrations on the energy industry’s use of 3D technology to search for oil and gas as well as water purification and bridge building. It is crucial that girls be educated about the opportunities in science and technology careers as it will help ensure that the growing technological needs of the US can be achieved. According to a recent Economic and Statistics Administration Report, women make up only half of the US workforce, but hold less than 25 percent of science, technology and math related jobs. Only 14 percent were reported to hold engineering positions.

“In order to increase interest in these careers, especially among girls, it is vital that we provide opportunities for interaction with successful professionals,” said Suzanne McCarron, president of the ExxonMobil Foundation. “Through ‘Introduce a Girl to Engineering’ activities, ExxonMobil hopes to engage girls early in their education in order to dispel common misconceptions that prevent women from pursuing fulfilling careers in math and science.”

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