Emerson receives Comperj Automation Contract

Emerson Process Management will provide process automation technologies and services for Petrobras’ Petrochemical Complex of Rio de Janeiro (Comperj) in Brazil. As per the contract, Emerson will act as Main Automation Contractor for Comperj, delivering engineering services and technologies for process automation and systems integration of the projects refining unit, utilities and offsite operations. When the first refining unit opens in 2013, the 45 million sq/ft facility will process 165,000 barrels of heavy crude each day. The same will be produced from a second unit, projected to open five years later. Emerson will install systems for fire and gas detection, process control, safety, machinery monitoring, and management of process and maintenance information. They will also supply measurement instruments, pressure regulators, control valves and other associated products and services. Engineering work is currently underway with hardware delivery scheduled for 2011. Automation tasks will be led by the Emerson team in Rio de Janeiro and in Sorocaba, Sao Paulo.

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