Dormer Parmet adds stainless steel body options

The range of solid carbide heads – for steel, stainless steel and cast iron – are married together with a hardened steel body. 

Existing body options – 3xD, 5xD and 8xD – have been expanded with a 12xD for deep hole applications and a 1.5xD for improved rigidity in shallow hole and plate drilling.
Offering consistently high performance, even after numerous head changes, the range of bodies incorporates coolant holes to improve cutting efficiency and chip evacuation. The exact fit between head and body maximizes tool rigidity for superior hole accuracy and precise tolerances.
One body can fit multiple solid carbide head sizes, reducing inventory requirements. In addition, heads can be easily changed without removing the body from the spindle, minimizing machine downtime.
Press release and image courtesy of Dormer Pramet
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